Shakespeare Works!

While trying to hunt down a different project called “Shakespeare’s Guide to e-Learning” I found KJ-Films’ “Shakespeare Works!” which looks even more interesting. The project contains a 30minute film about Shakespeare (focusing on a key question for the 11-14 age group, “Why is he so famous?”) as well as an interactive CD loaded up with games and other such things.

At 175 euros for a 5 seat license it seems somewhat expensive for most of the school budgets I’ve known, but I can’t fault somebody for needing to make some money. Make money on the first project, that’ll give you the impetus to do another project.

Technorati Tags: business, Shakespeare, software

Bill Bryson doing Shakespeare?

For those who do not recognize the name, Bill Bryson is perhaps best known for “A Walk in the Woods” (in which he walks the Applachian Trail) and “A Short History of Nearly Everything” which is pretty self-explanatory. I have not read either, personally, though both have been recommended.

So it was with great interest that I caught the tail end of this interview with the man:

What are you working on next?

I’m doing two biographies – one on me, one on William Shakespeare.

Actually, it makes for an interesting question — is there really all that much new under the sun in the Shakespeare biography world that yet another one is needed? Over the last few years alone we’ve seen quite a few. I wonder if Bryson is going to bring any new insight to the Bard’s life? Maybe reveal that the plays were actually written by Bottom or something? 🙂

King Lear II : Courtesy Vaclav Havel

CJAD 800 : News: Vaclav Havel, former Czech president, is planning to write a new play. Says he’s got it all in his head, and just has to write it down. The quote of the story comes here: “He has said earlier, however, he planned to write a play based on William Shakespeare’s King Lear, as well as an autobiography.” I’m trying to figure out if that means one play that combines the elements of King Lear and autobiography, or if he’s talking about two separate projects.

Technorati Tags: Shakespeare

Lay on, Macduff indeed!

I only just caught this link about Hugh Hefner’s Macbeth out of the corner of my eye when I finished the Romeo and Juliet quiz. “Oh good lord,” I thought, visions of Caligula running through my head.

Turns out they’re referring to Roman Polanski’s 1971 “The Tragedy of Macbeth”, produced by Hefner. Haven’t seen it, or for that matter ever even heard of it, but it appears from the reviews that it was pretty good. And not just for Lady Macbeth’s nude sleepwalking, although you have to wonder if Hefner was at the production meetings saying “Darnit can I get at least some nudity in this thing?” No word on whether Francesca Annis, who played Lady Macbeth, was Hef’s girlfriend at the time. 🙂