For those of you that have wondered what “Pericles, Prince of Tyre” is all about, check out Heaneyland’s hysterical recap: PERICLES: Hello, king. I’d like to marry your daughter. ANTIOCHUS: Well, first you have to answer this riddle. Answer incorrectly, and you die:
My first is in Paris, my second in France,
The rest is…whatever, I’m having sex with my daughter. PERICLES: Uh…how about if I answer that tomorrow? ANTIOCHUS: Oh, sure, think about it as long as you like. PERICLES: (aside) I suspect he’s having sex with his daughter. I probably shouldn’t say anything about it. Maybe I’ll just go back home to Tyre. (he exits) I also love the fact that he belongs to a Shakespeare reading group that is going through every single play, reading them aloud. Nice. Which I could find the time to do such a thing!
Pericles, or, Hey! The King is having sex with his daughter!
Technorati tags: shakespeare, pericles