Shakespeare Wiki

I’m a little surprised that this Shakespeare Wiki has existed since Feb 2006 and I’ve never noticed it.  It looks like it needs a little help, all I see are Character summaries and even then a bunch of them (like The Tempest) are empty.  The page says it was last modified Oct 2006.  For a minute there I was hoping that it was a typo and that the site really had come into existence in Feb 2007 a mere month ago. So there you go, folks.  If you’ve ever wanted to contribute some Shakespeare content but feel overwhelmed by the encyclopedic amount of info already in Wikipedia, here’s a place where you can start fresh.  

Technorati tags: Shakespeare, wiki

Love's Labour's Lost

If Coriolanus is getting some love, I should also link to some thoughts on Love’s Labour’s Lost over at Ann McN’s blog.  Is it that these shows are never performed near me?  I think maybe it’s that they are but when the time comes to put my money where my mouth is I chicken out, stay home and watch American Idol instead :).  

Technorati tags: Shakespeare, Love’s Labour’s Lost, blog

Reader's Diary : Coriolanus

More coverage for the less popular plays.  “The Book Mine Set” blog has a post up about Coriolanus.  If I remember correctly, this is the one where Coriolanus tries to become a Roman politician, fails, then plots to attack Rome only to be talked out of it by his mom.  But I could have some of that wrong, it’s been awhile.  

Technorati tags: Shakespeare, Coriolanus, blog

All of Shakespeare's Places

I’m finding some good geeky Shakespeare stuff lately.  How about a Google Earth representation of all the places Shakespeare ever mentioned?  I don’ t have Google Earth installed, but you can look at it on Google Maps, too.  Neat!  I don’t see The Tempest listed.  That would have been funny.  

Technorati tags: Shakespeare, Google