Here’s a question that I hope can draw some discussion. I try to post a wide variety of topics here – interesting links, news items, book/movie reviews, discussion of the plays. What do you like to read the most? Are you here to discuss the plays? Or hear news about the latest Shakespeare book or movie? Do you follow the links when I post them? Which stories are you most likely to comment on? Just curious. I looked at my admin console today and saw that I’ve posted almost 600 entries here, but then I realized they spread across a wide spectrum of content, so I’m a bit curious about whether I should focus a little more on something over something else.

Oh, heck, I don’t know–it’s an ecclectic blog about an ecclectic author who has so permeated our culture that Emerson thought aliens might call the Earth “planet Shakespeare.” Just follow your nose. The posts about some cartoon almost but not quite having a Shakespeare reference may not excite me, but might make a really interesting connection for some other reader. (The Star Trek animated series had an episode called “How Sharper than a Serpent’s Tooth,” by the way, that had nothing to do with King Lear except for two lines of dialogue at the end. Trek has always been eager to punch up the gravitas level a bit by quoting the Bard.)
I was very happy to get the rec. from you about he Bryson biography “The World as Stage,” which was an excellent read, although Bryson is obviously a first-rate intellect that just hasn’t spent _quite_ enough time thinking about Shakespeare to draw all the connections. Several times, he’d find himself puzzled about something on page x, without quite realizing that he’d answered his own question on page y.
Anyway, I enjoy stopping in here, so you must be doing something right!