Ok, now I feel stupid. My new pal Keri Cahill tells me in the comments that I might be interested in her group Rebel Shakespeare, which performs “Shakespeare by kids, for kids”. It’s a series of summer programs for children as young as 5 years old to learn about Shakespeare, including performances of plays such as Henry V, As You Like It, and Romeo and Juliet. The thing is she’s based in Salem, Massachusetts. I live down the street from Salem, and have spent plenty of summers there. How did I not know about this?! They appear to be doing As You Like It opposite Commonwealth Shakespeare down on Boston Common. I wonder if that is by design? I have to admit, if I’ve got to pick a show I’m going to go watch the professionals. At least until my kids are in one of the productions :).

Wow Duane! Thanks for the post on Rebel 🙂 We chose ‘As You Like It’ last summer, so it’s only by coincidence that we’re sharing the same play with Commonwealth. I’m really excited to hear they are doing the same play – I can bring my ‘merry wanderers’ down to catch their show! The North Shore Sunday just did an story on our actors this weekend. Here’s the link:
I’m elated I stumbled upon your blog! So many of my teen students will be psyched to hear about it. We are always looking for fellow Shakespeare lovers. Can we add you to our links page?
Hi Duane,
i am a mom of one of the Rebels and friend of Keri. Wonderful to meet you via blog here!
do try and come see a production. my 15 year old did rebel last summer for the first time and “it changed my life” is what she says to people who ask her what she thinks.
check the webpage for updates on performance dates and times through July and August, and with your blessing we’ll add you to the links page (i do the website).
You are of course most welcome to link my humble blog, and I will return the favor. Heck, I’m tempted to ask if you want a sponsor 🙂
I definitely want to learn more about your group. I’ve always said that one of my goals in life is that when the day comes when my kids are in high school, and they’re handed Romeo and Juliet for the first time, their reaction is “Oh, cool, I know this.”
I told my 5yr old about your group this morning but didn’t get much reaction, which is reasonable as she has no context at all, especially at 7am :). Daddy, however, is all excited. “Moms get excited for ballet recitals more than dads,” I told my wife. “You want to see me standing up on my chair? I may never be a soccer coach, but tell me my daughter is playing Juliet and I’ll be the guy with tears in his eyes at the end of the show.” I just have to be patient 🙂
i just went to add you to the page and … you’re already there! keri must have given you to me in Feb. when i built the page!