I thought this story funny about how the people involved with the new Thor movie would get “a three hour one-man show” from the “very Shakespearean” Kenneth Branagh as he’d walk through every single part.
Comic geeks may not appreciate that as much as we Shakespeare geeks who are left wondering if there’s a bit of old Bully Bottom in Mr. Branagh?
“An I may hide my face, let me play Odin too!”
“Have you Loki’s part written?”
”Let me play Loki too! I will roar and it will do any man’s heart good to hear me.”
I absolutely agree! Brannagh would be a wonderful Flute/Thisbe OR Bottom/Pyramus.
Worth noting in the same vein I think– Patrick Stewart played Snout/Wall in Peter Brook's legendary Midsummer. Later on in his career he played the "expected" role of Oberon in another production.