I haven’t done one of these in a little bit, and the growing number of Shakespeare sites out there reminds me that maybe I should. A blog’s only as good as its content, and as much of that content comes from the comments, as from the original articles. I can’t take credit for that. Nor do I want to single out individuals, since missing folks would be a huge faux pas and I’m not typically good at that sort of thing anyway. So I regularly like to open it up for folks to introduce themselves and their projects. Free plug time. Who are you, and what’s Shakespeare to you? Actor, director, teacher, student? Got a site of your own? A show? A book? Let’s hear it. I’m officially giving permission to include links. It’s not much, but the least I can do as a thank you for your contributions is to throw a little traffic your way. Ground rules : It’s gotta be a Shakespeare thing, if that’s not obvious. I’m not so much with the spamming.

I have studied and read Shakespeare all my adult life. To me Shakespeare is just great. I guess I agree with that Harold Bloom fellow–Shakespeare created how many people see their selves as humans. My favorite plays are “Henry V” and “As You Like It.”
I have three blogs. “Shakespeare Solar” at sundogpt.blogspot.com/ is where I write about my understanding of Shakespeare and his works and about Solar Photovoltaic Electric Power.
I am working on a mixed format writing called “Hamlet Plays John Wayne” and a report about Utility Interactive PV in The City of Shakespeare Springs.
My other blogs are about Western Thought and The New Culture and an Environmental Literature Blog which if anyone wanted to contribute to–that would be great. Links are on my Shakespeare Site.
Also to Shakespeare Geek–thank you very much for the opportunity.
Hi there,
I'm Jeremy, and I'm the editor of http://www.shakespearepost.com. We LOVE your site, your regular blogging, and we would LOVE to get your content and conversation on our site somehow (in addition to your own).
We're endeavoring to be a place both for great Shakespeare news — we endeavor to be comprehensive, but are working up to that. And we also want to be a place for great features, inside looks at what it means to study, practice, read, play, and respond to Shakespeare.
I teach Shakespeare and Theatre at a small college.
Welcome, Brian and Jeremy!
I was already quite familiar with the Post (welcome back, folks!), but after a quick browse maybe I'll have to add Sundog to my list as well. Hamlet / John Wayne crossover? Really? 🙂
You know me already. But for anyone else who reads this…
I'm Gedaly and I'm a huge Shakespeare geek!
Offline, I'm an actor and vocal coach. Online, I run The Bard Blog — http://www.bardblog.com — where I post reviews, news, discussion topics, and how-to-act-Shakespeare articles.
Having been an English teacher for 30 years, Hamlet was a play that always fascinated me; each time I taught it I seemed to learn something new, either from another reading of the play or from my students' often insightful comments. It remains my favorite Shakespearean tragedy, so a few months ago I thought it would be interesting to write a commentary based on the understanding and appreciation of the play I gained over those 30 years.
I just started a blog that currently contains a detailed commentary on Act One of Hamlet. The posts include the text of the play, as I wanted to place my commentary within the context of the dialogue. It can be found at http://hamletcommentary.blogspot.com/
Just doing my thing, running down whichever rabbit hole catches my attention next. I've been working on seeing all the plays in live performances, which has been a lot of fun, and I'm down to just Richard II and Timon of Athens.
I've been reading a pretty good volume of non-Shakespearean drama from the period (though in spurts), and I find this very rewarding both on its own merits and in its ability to better contextualize Shakespeare–locate his work in a time and place and within a current of art.
I was working my way systematically through Thomas Middleton a year or so ago, but got distracted with other things and haven't made my way back to it yet. Perhaps I will. He's got some very good stuff, although I can't sign on to calling him "our other Shakespeare."