I’m sure everybody knows we celebrate a very special day on April 23. I long ago got tired of alternately referring to it as Shakespeare’s Birthday and The Day Shakespeare Died and decided to make it my own personal holiday. Around here we call it Shakespeare Day.
I celebrate by posting all day.
In 2009 I had 9 posts.
In 2010 I had 12.
In 2011 Shakespeare Day was a Saturday, which made it impossible to meaningfully celebrate online.
So I made up for it in 2012 with *25* posts.
I plan on breaking that record again this year. I’ve already begun queueing up the posts, and I encourage people to come back to the site frequently throughout the day because they will scroll into the archives rapidly at that rate and if the past is any indicator there’ll be a whole lot of conversation going on in many different threads.
If you don’t see me around between now and then it’s because I’m catching up on my old requests, queuing up new posts, thinking about new topics, and researching interesting links. If you’ve ever wanted to get a link in front of me, hint hint, now’s the time to do it.