After noticing that Merchant of Venice was entered into the Stationers Register on July 22, I wondered (not for the first time) about what other days of significance there are for Shakespeare geeks? Granted this isn’t a particularly significant one, but it’s fun for context (and makes you wonder about the dates of all the other plays).
Has anybody ever attempted to compile something like this? Should we? Lord knows that whenever you walk into a bookstore around Christmas time there’s table upon table of calendars for every possible bit of trivia. Why not something for the Shakespeareans?
I am thrilled to have discovered your blog! What a great site! My discovery coincides with my new blogging enterprise: Shakespeare in the Library. I invite you to stop by, visit, and comment every now and then. Let's share the Shakespeare!
Hi Blaine! Go ahead and include a link!
Thank you.
Here it is:
My first posting project will be The Merchant of Venice. Given the date today, let's call it a coincidence!
On the subject of special Shakespeare days, can I recommend Gregory Doran's Shakespeare Almanac, published in 2009 before he became Artistic Director of the RSC. It notes most of the significant dates of Shakespeare's life and beyond. A few examples: July 22 1602 was when Hamlet was entered into the Stationers' register, 31 July is Lammas Eve, and on 6 August 1637 Ben Jonson died.
Very best wishes from another Shakespeare blogger, Sylvia Morris (The Shakespeare blog).