When I was asked if I’d like a review copy of the Sarah Bernhardt biography, I said what some of you might have said: “Hamlet? That Sarah Bernhardt?” Yes, that Sarah Bernhardt. I said sure. Of course, that’s literally *all* I know about her. So this was going to be enlightening. After receiving the book, all I can say is that anybody who thought writing a biography of Shakespeare was tough needs to try Sarah. In the former case, there’s just no trustworthy information to work with because it doesn’t exist. In Sarah’s case that’s almost true – most of what we know about her came from her, and she made it all up. So while Greenblatt’s Will in the World kept falling back on variations of “I imagine it went something like this …”, Gottlieb’s Sarah spends much of the time telling a story (typically a real doozy) and adding, parenthetically, “(then again we get this story from Sarah herself, so who knows how much of that if any is true).” This woman was so very, very much more than her Hamlet. I’ll admit, I started by flipping to the index and looking for how much of the book would be spent on that role, and couldn’t even find Shakespeare or Hamlet listed. I finally found it, though, in a very large section on Sarah’s Performances. Answer? 5 pages are dedicated to Hamlet. Did you know that an actual video clip of her 1899 performance exists? Sarah’s life easily fills this book, and it never gets boring (and the nearly 100 images, including her Hamlet and Macbeth, beautifully decorate the stories as they are told). On one page you have something out of a silent movie, everyone dressed to the nines during a Sunday brunch … and on the next page you read about the granddaughter’s firsthand account about how a dispute over politics resulted, literally, in the family smashing plates over each other. Good times. There’s an amazing amount of information here, about an amazing woman. It’s going to take me a long time to get through it, because I’m learning something new on every page. It would not do justice to the book to keep this post on the shelf until I’ve read it cover to cover, nor would it be fair to rush my reading to rush out the post. So I’m being honest. This is the first English-language biography of Sarah Bernhardt, and it is wonderfully informative as well as entertaining. I’m glad I’ve been given the opportunity to experience it, and will never again think of her as just that woman who was famous for playing Hamlet.
Category: Reviews
Movie and book reviews
Shakespeare Versus The Goblins : A Review of “Will Power”
A funny thing happened on the way to this review. I got email from Tor books, who are known in the scifi/fantasy world. So I thought it was a press release and didn’t really pay attention – until I noticed that Shakespeare was mentioned. Then I realized it wasn’t a mass mailing, it was addressed directly to me at my Shakespeare Geek address. Turns out that this particular book was written by a Shakespeare professor and they thought I might like a review copy. Sure! Will Power is the second in a series from author A.J. Hartley, Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare at the University of North Carolina. I felt a little weird jumping into the series in the middle, but really if you think about the fantasy genre the odds are against you on that one (for any N book series, you’ve got an N-1 out of N chance of finding a book other than book 1). This book tells the continuing story of our merry band of adventurers, including one Will Hawthorne, playwright. You know the type – generally cowardly sort who only came along to hang out on the sidelines and partake of the treasure, and maybe some beer and wenches. And, naturally, he’s the one who inevitably saves his stronger and braver friends when they get into trouble. In Will Power, it doesn’t take long before the group is mysteriously transported into a strange new land, and split up in the process. They soon find themselves unwelcome guests right in the middle of a war between the Fair Folk and the Goblins. But is all as it seems? His companions Orgos and Mithos have been captured by goblins, Renthrette and Garnet have joined the Fair Folk, Lisha is lost somewhere, and something just doesn’t feel right to Hawthorne. What happens next? There are enough twists and turns and clever devices that I can honestly say I didn’t predict where the story would go. The story ends on a satisfactory note while simultaneously opening up a door for the next book in the series. This author knows how to write fantasy. 🙂 What about the Shakespeare, you’re asking? Me too. There’s a funny scene early on when Hawthorne stumbles across what he thinks is a tavern, and introduces himself by reciting something of a mini-ballad … in iambic pentameter. Not bad. Later, while roaming around the city of the Fair Folk, we learn that they have a library, and that library has a drama section. Hawthorne makes a beeline for this literary oasis, breaking down doors (seriously) to get to it. I think some of the literature geeks in the audience can appreciate what that feels like. There may be a goblin war raging outside the city walls, but if you need me I’ll be curled up with a good book. There are also plenty of opportunities to do the whole “act like somebody you’re not” thing for our hero. He has to act like he knows what he’s doing half the time, after all. But none of that is really Shakespeare. Nobody “puts on a show.” The press release suggests “a magical world which very closely resembles that of the Elizabethan Era,” and I’m wondering if that was a comment from the first book. Because other than starting the book out in a tavern and making regular comments about the poor quality of the beer, I can’t really see where the Elizabethan thing comes in. Oh, well, I take that back – the city of the Fair Folk is populated with courtiers who spend their days drenching each other in over-the-top metaphor (“My Lord, embers and smoldering leaves produce a smoke most bitter and unwholesome to the senses, yet the heat from whence it rises is but a poor and mean thing at which one might not even warm one’s hands. The heart of a furnace burns pure and hot, consuming all and leaving little there to smoke withal. So my love for Johanna, like the core of the forge, blazes with white, undying passion, while yours for Beatrice, I fear, so cool and, doused with overlong laments, smokes merely.”) I always thought this behavior was more Victorian than Elizabethan, but I’m not a history buff. What it reminded me of was a Monty Python version of Oscar Wilde. It did not go unnoticed, either, that the author drops in names like Beatrice as necessary – one of the others tells the story of a young lady enamored with a certain young shepard named Corin, as well. Both are direct, if insubstantial, Shakespeare references. Will Power was an entertaining fantasy book. I may have started out assuming that it was going to fit the standard form where the ‘weakling’ in an otherwise stalwart band of adventurers eventually turns out to save the day, but in the end there was enough originality that I was impressed with how it all went down. I would have liked more Shakespeare, but that’s not a fair measure – I always want more Shakespeare, up to the point where it *is* Shakespeare. :) I’ll be curious to see how the third book goes, and how much Shakespeare comes into it.
Review : Commonwealth Shakespeare Othello 2010 Boston Common
To date I’ve seen Commshakes’ productions of Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, Taming of the Shrew, Midsummer, As You Like It, Comedy of Errors … and now, Othello.
Best one yet. First, let me get a few geeky things out of the way. The group behind us actually brought a game of Othello, winning serious geek points (Othello at Othello, yes?) I thought about it and posted it on Twitter but was unable to find a set in time. I told these people that, and the lady told me, “Amazon. Two weeks ago. I’ve been planning for this.” She seriously needs to hang out here because that is one major Shakespeare geek.
On with the show. I find that I’m always disappointed with Iago in the opening scenes, and I think I know why. In theory, I build him up like some sort of demonic sociopath, and I expect a Charles Manson or Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs sort of figure. When he inevitably is not, I immediately think, “Oh, I don’t like this guy.” But then he grows on me.
Othello, on the other hand, I loved. He’s … perfect. Sweeps on stage and never loses control over anything. When they tell him, “Desdemona’s father is looking for you!” he calmly goes to look for him because he knows he’s done nothing wrong. When he’s basically put on trial for using witchcraft against Desdemona, he again says with absolute certainty, “Go ask her yourself.” He is almost inhuman in this, like “No one is really like that.” You almost want to see him crumble just a bit. Maybe not as much as happens, but just a little.
Before we introduce Desdemona, a word about the setting. I was trying to place exactly what time frame they were going for, and I think it was WWII. At first, I thought they had a sort of Casablanca look about them, and afterward, when we were discussing the show, the movie LA Confidential came up. So imagine this as Desdemona enters, done up like something out of a Lana Turner movie – nicely dressed in a suit, hair swept back under a tiny hat. Later, during a dinner scene, she’ll be dressed in a shiny gold evening gown. I’m painting the best picture I can here, people. Work with me. 🙂
So this Desdemona is … well, she’s a woman. I think with the whole “stolen from her father” thing, Desdemona is often thought of in an Ophelia-like “this is just a child” sort of way. Not here. Here, Desdemona is a grown woman who stands up to her father. Interesting choice.
One of the great things about Othello is that it’s so directly connected to human emotional response. See that guy there? Yeah, he’s mad at the black guy. So he’s gonna get that other guy drunk because he knows that when that dude gets drunk, he gets violent. Cool, that guy got in a fight, now the black guy is pissed off and just fired him. So he’s gonna go to his boss’s wife and try to get his job back, and the villain guy is going to use that to make the boss think his wife is cheating on him. There’s not a great deal of politics (although the bits about war and geography and who’s been sent where are a little tricky to follow). Basically, you get to see this guy at the top of the world brought down by his supposedly honest and trustworthy right-hand man, Iago.
I wonder if it was this production in particular doing something deliberate, but I never really noticed how much Shakespeare pounds us over the head with a hammer in this one. It seems like every character, every time, referred to “honest Iago.” It practically became a running joke, the more villainous he got and the more the people around him got so stupid, saying “Oh, Iago! Someone surely must have been whispering in Othello’s ear to turn him against me! Since you’re so honest and trustworthy go figure out who could have done such a thing!” There are many instances where you pretty much feel like everybody else on stage is stupid. The scene where Iago doesn’t want to say Cassio slept with Desdemona, which then turns into “Welll….I shouldn’t say anything, but he had this dream where he said I love you Desdemona, and then he threw his leg over mine, and kissed me full on the mouth ….” The audience was laughing pretty hard at that. How could Othello have been so stupid?
Speaking of Othello, he deteriorates nicely. His perfectly tailored uniform becomes unbuttoned, his tie crooked. He no longer stands at attention. He repeats himself, and he stutters. One of my favorite scenes comes after Iago has planted the idea of Desdemona’s infidelity in Othello’s mind, and an increasingly crazed Othello pulls a gun on his “ancient”, saying (in appropriately Shakespearean terms), “You show me proof, motherf*cker. You call my wife a whore? You plant this idea in my head to drive me nuts? You bring me proof or you die.”
Othello is not stupid, and that’s part of the point. He knows what he’s been told and that it is not proof. But when he confronts Desdemona, and she can’t produce the handkerchief? That, in his mind, is proof. The big death scene was pretty scary, as expected. It’s always weird when Desdemona seems to start the scene so calmly. “Why are you planning to kill me, husband? What did I do?” But by the time he actually means to go through with it, she’s screaming and begging for her life. It’s pretty terrifying. In this particular production (is it really a spoiler when talking about Shakespeare?), it takes a little while for her to go down, we’ll just say. There’s a lot more that goes on than just some smothering with a pillow.
I like the ending for the action – Amelia spills the details, Iago kills her and escapes, and Othello kills himself. I do not like all the talking, the emphasis on “We’re gonna torture you later, ok? You there, don’t forget to torture that guy. Trust us, we’re gonna torture him.” Iago’s “I’ll never speak again” line I find hard to pull off. This is one of those moments where he should be something other than human. I prefer to go away thinking no, no amount of torture will make him talk. When he speaks in the same tones he’s spoken throughout the play, he sounds like he’ll crack as soon as they’re off stage.
Since Carl mentioned the other day that the last lines of Othello are his favorite, I was waiting for them specifically. He’s right; it’s a very good ending. That whole scene is intriguing to me because here you’ve got a guy who killed his wife, thinking that he was in the right to do so, now surrounded by armed soldiers and having just discovered that he was completely wrong. So once again, he does the “right” thing and suicides. I like that part of the ending. As always with Shakespeare, there’s the cleanup bits (“Don’t forget to torture that guy!”), which I think are always just a bit anti-climactic.
The best thing about a play like this is that afterward, we got to discuss it. We talked about whether it’s a play about racism or not. Iago never comes out and says, “I hate him because he’s black”, but man, there’s certainly some racially-charged language in there. Someone refers to Othello as old “thick-lips”, among other things, and when Iago and Roderigo first wake Brabantio they’re making some pretty obscene beast references.
Great show. One of my favorites, by far, for many reasons. I hope they do some more biggies in the coming years.
Review : Were the World Mine
At this point, other than the very over the top homoerotic stuff (there’s a whole “love juice” sequence, too. I mean, come on!), it’s about as predictable as it gets. Hero kid’s got issues with his mom, his dad’s not in the picture. Everybody that the mom runs into, from customers in her job to her new boss, all immediately hear about the gay son and want nothing to do with her anymore. I mean this literally – every character in the play is either gay or homophobic, there’s no middle ground. The acting goes along pretty much the same lines you’d expect. There are some cute Shakespeare references, though, I’ll give them credit for that. During auditions one character asks that he not play a girl’s part, because he’s got a beard coming in. Later when roles are posted he’s heard to ask, “What is Thisbe?” But if that were all there was to this one, I’d give it a pass.
There’s two big differences, however, that make this far more interesting.
First, it’s a musical. And surprisingly, a good one. I have to pay more attention to the rest of the tunes, but so far it’s good enough that I’d go track down the soundtrack. You folks know me and Shakespeare-to-music. It’s only partly that, more like “I’ll find a line or two from Shakespeare and then build a song around them.” But, still. Great start. The title, for example, Were the World Mine? That’s a line of Helena’s, but they give it to Puck. And then they mix it in with lots of references to leading them up and down, and fairies running. So, really, it’s all over the place lyrically. But sung well.
The second, and this is the biggie, is that this is apparently a magical story. Puck finds a recipe for “Cupid’s Love Juice” (I’m still trying to figure out if they wrote that up just for this movie, or if it was copied from something historical), makes it, and it actually works. So with his prop flower from the play he goes about wreaking havoc by squirting it into the eyes of everybody – the rugby hero he was pining for in the first place, the homophobic rugby coach, his mother’s boss, everybody. It wasn’t until he got to his mom’s boss and told her, “Try living in my shoes for awhile” that the significance of the title clicked with me. Unlike Midsummer where the love potion inevitably causes the wrong people to fall in love, somehow in this movie he’s fixed it so that everybody he squirts falls in love with someone of the same sex, even though he runs through crowds spraying it on everybody he sees. Somehow it never seems to generate a hetero couple. Puck wields his magic flower like a super power, seeking out homophobes and dispensing justice.
Where his theory first breaks down is that none of these newly gay folk seem to have his closet insecurities. They prance around, they dance ballet. They throw themselves at each other. That’s hardly seeing things through his eyes. They even seem to speak Shakespearean, which is a weird side effect.
Once everybody’s gay (except for Puck’s straight female friend), the movie plays out like Midsummer – two guys fall in love with the same guy, and want to go fight about it. Two girls, meanwhile, fall in love with Puck’s friend, the one girl who has no idea what’s going on and thinks they’re all playing some joke on her. And, of course, Puck’s left to straighten it all out. As far as I can tell there is no Oberon in this movie. Only thing is that Puck now actually *gets* his boy, and doesn’t want to give that up.
I’m not done with the movie yet as I write this review (I prefer to do it that way, getting in at least a portion of the review “live blogged”), but it’s not really keeping my interest. Maybe it’s because I’m from Massachusetts where things like gay marriage aren’t nearly such a problem as they’re made out to be in this one. Second, the acting and writing is seriously coming second to the heavy handed message. Take the father who “caught his son in bed with his best friend .. holding hands and kissing!” because obviously it was important to not let anybody assume what “in bed with” meant. Then he adds, “You can bet I taught them a lesson.” And there we are left to wonder. So, what, you beat them? You just admitted to an audience full of parents and teachers that you abuse your kid? That’s cool, though, because all the parents are homophobic and it’s ok to beat fags?
Like all of these “movies with some Shakespeare” that I watch, my favorite part is always the Shakespeare itself. This one hasn’t got much. It’s got some rehearsal, and the music, and a bunch of people randomly quoting. But again just like Dead Poet’s, we get some performance near the end. I dig the costumes, they’ve got this cool sort of “Dark Crystal” thing going.
So in summary? Love the music (seriously, I’ll be hunting down the soundtrack shortly), dig the gimmick of playing out Midsummer in real life. But this is very much a movie with a gay message, and as I said, I think the writing and acting suffer for it. If you stripped all that away and just played it up like a typical romantic comedy with some mistaken identities and such, and it would have been just as interesting to me. Maybe that means I’m just not the audience? But if your message is tolerance of the lifestyle, wouldn’t you want your movie to be seen by people who may not already live it and understand it?
Review : David Tennant as Hamlet, Nerd of Denmark
Ok, here we go! The easiest way to review Hamlet, I’ve found, is to break it into three distinct reviews : the direction, the rest of the cast, and Hamlet himself. Otherwise it’s just too hard to separate what David Tennant did with what he was given to work with. Let me just first say that watching Shakespeare on “live” TV as if it were some sort of major event was just awesome. It was this wonderful combination of nostalgia (remember the days before DVR where if you got up to go to the bathroom you missed stuff?) with modern technology – I sat on Twitter and did play-by-play throughout most of the show. Could I have DVR’d it? Sure, and I did, kind of — I was running maybe 45 minutes behind everybody else. But it was important to me to watch it as live as I could, as if we were watching the Academy Awards or something. I wanted to share the experience with my geeks. Great time, and I look forward to what PBS has in store for us next time..
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