Only Looney Lovers Left Alive

Tom Hiddleston is one of those actors who shows up in my news feeds quite frequently, because his name is basically synonymous with Shakespeare.  In a good way – not in the Gwynneth “award-winning Shakespeare in Love actress” Paltrow kind of way.

So I knew about his new vampire movie Only Lover’s Left Alive, directed by Jim Jarmusch. I paid a little more attention when I noticed that Christopher Marlowe is a character.  But, still, Marlowe’s no Shakespeare.

Image courtesy reddit user cmunk13

Then I learned that director is rabid anti-Stratfordian. Turns out he’s more of a Marlovian, which in my book puts him a little bit higher than the Oxfordians because at least Marlowe had some playwriting talent.  (Although I take that back, he goes on to say that Oxford was “probably more likely” and that he only uses Marlowe as his example because he thinks Marlowe’s death was a conspiracy as well.)

Jarmusch seems an odd duck. I had to go look to see if I’d ever watched any of his movies. I’ve heard of many of them, but never seen any. What put him back in the camp of “ignore” for me was the way he name checks the other “famous” people who were also Shakespeare deniers, like some sort of talking points memo regurgitated by Fox News:

I’m not alone. I’m with Mark Twain and Henry and William James and Sigmund Freud and Orson Welles, Emerson — a lot of people don’t buy the Shakespeare thing.

They truly thought they scored a coup getting Orson Welles on their side. The problem is that the evidence, what little there is, is complete nonsense. So I know the guy hasn’t put any thought into it, he’s just parroting back the same old stuff, just like what’s his name did with Anonymous.
What I’m deeply curious about is whether he and Tom Hiddleston had any serious discussion on the topic, or if they just did the “agree to disagree” thing, or what.  That would be the real interesting interview.

This year’s Shakespeare posting marathon is sponsored by “Shakespeare is Universal.” Help us prove that Shakespeare makes life better. Buy a t-shirt and support cancer research.

Take Me Out To The Shakespeare….

Move over Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel and Elton John.

Shakespeare is coming to Boston’s historic Fenway Park.

As a general rule, any “special events” at Fenway tend to sell out almost instantaneously, but then again it’s almost always a superstar rock concert (see above). So unclear yet whether I’ll be able to score tickets. But you know I’ll be standing in virtual line!

Speaking of Red Sox and Shakespeare, it seems as good a time as any to remind everybody what happened last year…

This year’s Shakespeare posting marathon is sponsored by “Shakespeare is Universal.” Help us prove that Shakespeare makes life better. Buy a t-shirt and support cancer research.

Conducting Shakespeare

“Choose Your Own Adventure” Shakespeare is not new.  But what if you hooked up the audience to actual emotional sensors that tracked how they were responding, and then “conducted” the performance behind the scenes so they didn’t know how they were affecting the outcome?

Such is the experiment of Conducting Shakespeare, where several audience members will be connected to devices to measure their brain-waves, heart rate and so forth. The director/conductor, Dr. Alexis Kirke, will use the information in real time to splice together a sort of medley of Shakespeare scenes to create something that would, in theory, be different for every audience.

I love the idea, and would want to play along. I do have two thoughts on the subject.

First, it says that “4 out of 100” audience members will be connected up to the sensors, which I’m sure is a technology/budgetary consideration, and that’s fine. But that means that those 4 people are going to get a better show than the other 96, who might be on the opposite end of the scale when it comes to what they’re looking at.

Second, you may not like what you think you like. Funny coincidence, the mrs. and I were watching an episode of Grey’s Anatomy recently where they’re doing this story arc about brain research. They connected some regular characters up to a machine that would monitor brain/emotional activity, then showed them pictures.  “Want to see the pleasure center?” asks the neural surgeon.  “Show her the picture of the kitten.”  Up comes the picture of the kitten, and all the anger zones fire in the brain.  “What, you don’t like cats?” he asks.  “Hate ’em,” she replies.

That’s what I’m imagining in a performance like this.  Your subject may have come in thinking “Woo! Hamlet! Greatest work of literature in the English language!” but in reality his brain is saying “Snore. I don’t understand a word of this.  This needs more twins, mistaken identity and girls dressed up as boys.”

This year’s Shakespeare posting marathon is sponsored by “Shakespeare is Universal.” Help us prove that Shakespeare makes life better. Buy a t-shirt and support cancer research.

Shakespeare Musicals?

From opera to Disney, people have been putting Shakespeare to music for a very long time.

When I saw an article titled The 10 best Shakespeare-inspired pieces of music – in pictures I was assuming that they meant songs. Albums.  Individual short pieces.  Wasn’t sure where the pictures part came in.

Now I know! They’re talking about full-length musicals of all sorts – Broadway, opera, film – that feature Shakespeare’s work.  Sure they included Lion King, but there’s also several operas and classical pieces.

Like many of these lists I find it amusing how they struggle to fill their quota and get more liberal in the interpretation of their premise.  For instance … the soundtrack to Olivier’s Henry V makes the list. Just about every other entry on the list involves taking the actual words of Shakespeare (or their modern interpretation) and setting them to music.  Not this one, this one is the background music playing while Shakespeare goes about its business in the foreground.  But still….”Shakespeare inspired” it is.

Don’t miss the ridiculously random Elvis Costello cameo!

This year’s Shakespeare posting marathon is sponsored by “Shakespeare is Universal.” Help us prove that Shakespeare makes life better. Buy a t-shirt and support cancer research.

A Middle School Shakespeare Festival Right In My Backyard

North Attleboro, MA si maybe 30-40 minutes from my house. Wondering how this escaped me for so long!

North Attleboro Middle School students turned the tragedy of “Macbeth” into something fun for the school’s annual Shakespeare Festival. 

Eighth-graders used William Shakespeare’s famous play as the foundation for projects ranging from board games to children’s books.

[Link] It was the “board games and children’s books” that caught my attention. I would love it if my kids got to partake in something like this!

This year’s Shakespeare posting marathon is sponsored by “Shakespeare is Universal.” Help us prove that Shakespeare makes life better. Buy a t-shirt and support cancer research.