When I first heard that Marion Cotillard would replace Natalie Portman as Lady MacBeth in the upcoming Scottish movie, I was disappointed. I don’t really know anything about Ms. Cotillard, and I don’t really care all that much about acting ability(*) – I just think that Natalie Portman’s presence tends to bring a very large young adult male following into the theatres, and I thought Macbeth would be a good place to do that.
Category: Uncategorized
Most of the posts in this category are simply leftovers from a previous era before the site had categories. Over time I plan to reduce that number to zero and remove this category. Until then, here they are. I had to put something in the box.
Cooking With Shakespeare
It was either this or Titus Andronicus. |
To read, or not to read…..that is the age old Shakespeare question. I hang out on many Shakespeare forums, and whenever the question comes up about “Which Shakespeare play should I read first?” there’s always somebody quick to jump in with, “They’re not meant to be read, they’re meant to be seen! Go see one!”
You go to a restaurant, you order a dish. You like the dish. Some time later, you are at a different restaurant, and you see that they offer the same dish. You try it. It’s different. It’s the same dish, but it doesn’t taste the same as the first one. Maybe you like it more, maybe less. Maybe they added something that wasn’t in the first one, or left something out that was.
This cycle repeats. The dish becomes a favorite of yours, and you begin to seek it out at every opportunity. You pay attention to the details, you learn whose version you like and whose you do not, and why. You develop a fine sense for what goes into making the best version of this dish.
Do you know what else you could do? You could get the recipe for the dish and make it yourself.
That’s when you get the true appreciation for the dish, because you understand all the parts that went into making it. You can invent your own interpretations because you see what you have to work with. The next time you visit a restaurant and try the dish you understand immediately what they left out, and why, and you have a strong opinion about whether you feel this was the right decision. You explain to your companions why you’re not crazy about this version of the dish, and what the restaurant one town over does that makes it better.
So, there you go, that’s the new analogy I’m going to start using. Do you have to know how to cook a dish yourself before you go to a restaurant? No, of course not. You’re also unlikely to sit down to cook the recipe for every dish you might encounter in a restaurant. On the other hand, maybe there’s a dish you had once and you can never find it again no matter how hard you try. Maybe there’s a dish that your friend raves about and says you must try, but you never see it on the menu. The analogy works both ways. You can’t just stroll into the theatre district and watch whatever Shakespeare play you want, just like you can’t walk into any restaurant and order any dish you want. You’re restricted by the choices available.
My point is that there is a level of appreciation and understanding beyond just going to experience what other people did with the raw ingredients. You can and you should experience them for yourself by getting your hands and your eyes on the text. If you go down that path, you will be infinitely rewarded.
My 2013 Shakespeare Life
2013 was a very big year for Shakespeare in my personal life. I spoke, I wrote, I created, I had an existential crisis, I taught, I saw. Who knows what 2014 will bring? Let’s get started…
Party on, Shakespeare. |
Shakespeare is Universal |
And now comes the next big highlight of my day, as my daughter wakes from her slumber and begins, “What angel wakes me from my flowery bed? I pray thee, gentle mortal, sing again. Mine ear is much enamour’d of thy note; So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape; I swear, I love thee!”
This marks the first time that one of my children has performed Shakespeare. In public, on a stage, reading original text. I damn near wept. I am thankful that it turned out to be a small part because I think that the longer it went, I might well have exploded. And you know what? She was good. She woke up on cue, and actually got up while reading her lines, which she did not stumble over. Definitely one of my better performers, duly noted for future reference.
My son’s favorite Hamlet. |
Shakespeare is a David Ortiz fan. |
Best Original Posts of 2013
As another year comes to a close I thought it would be fun to go back and pick the biggest posts of 2013. I’m happy to discover that the top 5 are, in fact, original content produced by Bardfilm and myself.
I’m presenting these in chronological order, because the older a post is the more chance it’s had to get traffic (so it’s not really fair to compare a January piece to a November one).
January 24, 2013
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare — in Haiku
This piece is amazing because when he said Complete, he meant it. KJ does a haiku rendition of 39 Shakespeare plays. We should print and bind this.
February 14, 2013
Shakespearean Pickup Lines for Valentine’s Day
We all know that Shakespeare wrote the best wedding quotes, but you can’t just jump to the end of the story! What about the pickup line that gets you started? Shakespeare’s still your wing man.
February 22, 2013
Shakespearean Hip-Hop Lyrics
The trickiest part of this mashup is deciding on a genre of hip-hop! It has been around for a little while, and changed quite a bit over the decades.
May 8, 2013
Most Popular Shakespeare Tattoos
I’d always wanted to do a gallery post, and this was my chance.
July 30, 2013
Game of Thrones? That’s cute.
When I saw that someone had do a meme where all the Star Wars characters say patronizing things to Game of Thrones characters (well, and vice versa) I knew I had to mash it up with Shakespeare. I think my job was far more difficult, though – it’s not like Viola from Twelfth Night is instantly recognizable like, oh, Darth Vader.
Now Gods, Stand Up For Shakespeare’s Brother
Edmund Shakespeare (1580-1607) |
Today I Learned that Shakespeare’s little brother Edmund (born 1580) followed him to London to become an actor.
Who wants to speculate on connections between little brother, and Shakespeare’s most famous bastard from King Lear? Edmund had a bastard child of his own, though the child was born four months before Edmund’s death in 1607, making the event too late to have any connection to King Lear, which was written prior to 1606.
How cool would it be if Edmund went to London and actually stayed with his brother during that time, maybe even acting in one of the plays? No records exist, but does that mean it didn’t happen?