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Aedile is a supporting character in the play Coriolanus written by William Shakespeare. Although he may not have a prominent role, Aedile serves an important purpose in the story and contributes to the overall development of the play.

Aedile is a Roman officer who holds the position of an elected magistrate. His primary responsibility is to oversee the maintenance of public buildings and the organization of public events. He is in charge of ensuring that the city of Rome is kept in proper order and that the citizens' needs are met.

Within the play, Aedile appears in Act III, Scene I, where he confronts Coriolanus, the protagonist of the play, regarding his refusal to appeal to the citizens for their votes. Aedile tries to persuade Coriolanus to change his stance and understand the importance of gaining the support of the people.

The Role of Aedile in Coriolanus

Aediles role in Coriolanus is crucial in highlighting the conflict between the aristocracy and the common people. He represents the voice of the citizens and acts as a mediator between them and the ruling class. Aediles insistence on the importance of appealing to the citizens reflects the underlying theme of the play – the tension between the different social classes.

By challenging Coriolanus, Aedile plays a significant role in shaping the events that follow. His encounter with the protagonist ultimately leads to Coriolanus's banishment from Rome and his subsequent alliance with the Volscians, Rome's enemies.

Aediles character also sheds light on the political dynamics of ancient Rome. As an elected magistrate, he represents the democratic aspect of the Roman government and emphasizes the need for leaders to consider the will of the people.

In conclusion, while Aedile may not have a central role in Coriolanus, his character serves as a catalyst for the events that unfold in the play. Through his interactions with the protagonist and his representation of the citizens, Aedile contributes to the exploration of themes such as power, social class, and the role of the individual in society.