More Adored Than Shakespeare? Over the last couple days I’ve heard my fair share of “Michael Jackson was the Shakespeare of our generation” comparisons on Twitter, trust me.  But I found this article particularly moronic in its adulation. I hate the opening premise – that while Dickens and Mozart and others may have been stars in their time, … Continue reading More Adored Than Shakespeare?

Analysis of Sonnet 12 : When I Do Count The Clock That Tells The Time

So I was reading the sonnets today at lunch.  Not somebody’s commentary, the plain text file.  I was looking for something random and romantic to text my wife on this nice spring day we’re having.  (I know, awwww…….:))  [UPDATE : I actually started this yesterday, I just realized that I’m posting it a) before lunch … Continue reading Analysis of Sonnet 12 : When I Do Count The Clock That Tells The Time