Thanks to Alayne for this link to Melvyn Bragg’s In Our Time where they’re apparently discussing King Lear: Melvyn Bragg explores the dramatic themes and history behind one of
Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies, “King Lear”. He is joined by Jonathan
Bate, Professor of English Literature at the University of Warwick;
Katherine Duncan-Jones, Tutorial Fellow in English at Somerville College,
Oxford; and Catherine Belsey, Research Professor in English at the
University of Wales, Swansea. The date on the file suggests that this is the newest episode of the show. I often subscribe to In Our Time’s podcast feed, but then I fall behind because they hit on some topics I’m just not interested in and eventually I give up. I’m glad when readers send me good stuff like this that I might otherwise have missed! Downloading now….

I lost my older In Our Time episodes and recovered all but this one from my backups. Can you help?
I do have it, although if it’s not still available on their site I have to wonder what their archiving policy is. If they took it down for a reason it would be inappropriate of me to keep hosting it.