I just found this baby onesie at Shakespeare’s Den that I can’t resist linking. I noticed that they had a “Browse by play” area, and even better, a section for The Tempest. My regular readers know that I’m a big fan of that one, and have corrupted it into a fairy tale for my kids. Well I see this “First Act” onesie, and my first thought is “Wait, that’s wrong…surely that one refers to the stages of man ala As You Like It (mewling, puking, whining…)” and thus is misplaced in The Tempest category. But nope, it actually references plays, associated with appropriate baby faces: The Tempest (screaming), As You Like It (satisfied), and All’s Well That Ends Well (sleeping). So there’s my As You Like It reference, intended or not 🙂 Even better, the description of the item reads, “No, your little one is not just crying, she is trying to tell you that The Tempest must now be read aloud, please.” I wonder if the person who wrote that reads this blog? 🙂 Disclaimer: Silas, who runs Shakespeare’s Den, is a regular reader of this blog, and yes, we do have an affiliate relationship. I’ve also linked to his site before either of those two facts was true, so hopefully people won’t hold it against me if I do it going forward as well.