Ha, tricked you – a post about roses and the Shakespeare reference is *not* “a rose by any other name….”, so there. Apparently there’s a fairly high quality rose called William Shakespeare 2000. Who knew?

Poor old Falstaff – a rose by any other name is a brussel sprout!
yyivr indeed!!!
Just to keep a balance:
One of my best roses is Rose Falstaff. Pic:
I’ve been lurking on your blog for months. I’m a big fan 🙂 And thanks for posting the Neil-Gaiman-does-David-Tennant-as-Doctor-Who-Doing -Hamlet. It was perfect! Now, I just need to donate a kidney to get Stratford-upon-Avon and all is well 😀
Well, that didn’t post right. Lemme try again:
Rose Falstaff
It is a big and boastful rose, surprise surprise 😀