by shakespearegeek
I put out a message on Twitter yesterday (so, sorry if you’re seeing this twice Twitter followers :)) that I was “Wearing my ‘Mercutio drew first’ t-shirt and looking for StarWars/Shakespeare geeks who get the joke.” The response was quite overwhelming and I had a very large number of clicks through to the site. I later wrote that “In the George Lucas Romeo+Juliet, rumor has it Tybalt draws first.” That got an even better reaction 🙂
Since not everybody follows Twitter I figured I’d post here as well. There really is such a t-shirt, I really did make it, and I really do have one. Comes in a variety of colors (both dark-on-light as well as the reverse) and styles (men/women/kids). Money made on sales goes back into supporting the site, buying stuff for reviews and giveaways, that sort of thing. (There are other ideas on the store as well, bumper stickers and the like, but this particular one seems to be the hit.)
When I put up a poll a few weeks back about the methods that people would find least offensive for monetarily supporting the site, “merchandise” and “tip jar” were the winners. So I am doing my best to fill a demand I was led to believe existed. Was I right?
Mercutio Drew First! Romeo & Juliet Light T-Shirt
by shakespearegeek
True…but Mercutio is hotter. I forgive him. (He certainly has the best death scene lines ever.)
I have not bought a t-shirt. Yet. But I would like to.
This is amazing! My husband, a huge Star Wars geek is playing Mercutio this month in a local production of R&J. I win best gift award with this shirt! Thanks!
Thanks Nancy! Glad you like it. Tell your friends! 🙂
It's funny, I've had two people say "I like your shirt" when I wear it – and both were teenagers (a cashier at the market, and an ice cream scooper) so I'm wondering if they both had Romeo and Juliet on the brain.