My friend Keri and her Rebels have done so much for Shakespeare that when she asks me to help spread the word about what her alumni are up to, I’m only happy to oblige!
He [Matteo Pangallo] is a professor out there, but had his start at rebel and is a great guy. He is running the first Shakespeare program for high schoolers at UMass this summer…. he’s a fantastic guy, a Shakespeare expert and someone you’d really enjoy, if you don’t already know him. … Participants live on campus for 2 weeks and get college credit.
Here’s more details, directly from the Professor, courtesy his Facebook page. Sounds like a great opportunity!
The deadline approaches to enroll in the summer “pre-college” course Performing Shakespeare that I’ll be teaching at UMass Amherst’s Commonwealth Honors College from July 26-August 8. There are still eight spots open if you know of any high school students who would be interested in a fun and engaging theatrical approach to mastering Shakespeare’s plays.
Tuition covers room and board (students from anywhere in the country or the world are welcome!), organized social activities with the students in all of the CHC’s pre-college courses, and, of course, the class itself. As with all the pre-college courses, this class does provide college credit, if students are interested in getting a jump on progress toward their undergraduate degree!
Information about the course, CHC’s pre-college program, and enrollment can be found at I’d also be happy to answer any questions interested students might have (they can reach me at