Yesterday my daughter had an unexpected medical procedure on her mouth, so she’s in some degree of pain this morning (but not enough to skip school). So she’s getting ready and I ask, “How’s your face?”
“Bad,” she says, “And now I have a pimple!”
“When sorrows come they come not single spies but in battalions,” I offer.
“That means a third bad thing is gonna happen to me now too! Great!”
“No, it was just an opportunity for me to use a Shakespeare quote I don’t normally get to use. King Lear?”
Both wife and geeklet look at each other and just leave the room.
Didn’t feel right, though. Couldn’t place who said it, or where. So over breakfast I had to look it up. “You know what?” I told them, “When I said that quote was from ? I was wrong, it’s Hamlet.”
Geeklet looks at wife, looks at me, and says, “Well, duh. We just didn’t want to embarrass you.”
But now I’m trying to figure out what quote I was confusing it with, because surely there’s stuff in King Lear all about the piling on of sorrows.
Maybe Edgar’s “Who is’t can say ‘I am at the worst’? / I am worse than e’er I was.”
The worst is not so long as we can say, this is the worst.
I keep coming back to, “As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods.
They kill us for their sport.”
One of the darkest lines in one of the darkest sections of a play that has some of the darkest scenes.