Harry Met Sally Where?

I probably last saw the rom-com classic When Harry Met Sally when it first came out in 1989. As a Gen-X nerd, I go back to a lot of “classics” from that era, but I’m more into stuff like Wargames and Short Circuit.

Well that changed recently when we were reminded of the movie in the presence of our now college-aged daughters and we thought, oh, we have to watch that again. Long story short they’d still rather play Minecraft with their brother – no amount of calling them back into the room to laugh at the funny 80’s hair or to not miss the iconic lines would catch their interest. No matter, my wife and I sat and re-watched it anyway.

And what’s this? Where exactly do they bump into each other? I pause and rewind. Because, unlike in 1989, I can do that now. Something about this scene looks familiar …

They’re actually in Shakespeare & Co! In New York, of course, not Paris. I would never have recognized that on first watch. But it leapt right out at me almost 40 years later.


What I also didn’t realize is that this scene is the inspiration for the whole “You’ve Got Mail” movie, where big box stores like Barnes & Noble shoved little indie bookshops out of existence. Now I’m going to have to go re-watch that one for Shakespeare references. Guess it’s Meg Ryan Week at Shakespeare Geek’s Place!

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