Not Again! Globe Theatre Evacuated By Rogue Fireworks

The Globe Theatre 1612

I love the idea of a couple of old-timers, like Stater and Waldorf from The Muppets, seeing a random firework land in the middle of Shakespeare’s Globe and saying, “Here we go again!”

In this case, it was during a performance of Antony and Cleopatra. The firework apparently came from a nearby Algerian football club having a birthday celebration. No one was injured.

But in 1613 it was a production of Henry VIII and a piece of burnt wadding from the cannons set fire to the roof, and the whole place burned down. No one was here then, either, except for one poor fellow who famously “had his breeches set on fire that would perhaps have broiled him if he had not by the benefit of a provident wit put it out with bottle ale”.

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