Wow my feeds are full today with Shakespeare’s Birthday posts :). I’d like to say I’m doing something special, but as discussed, not so much. I’d like to announce that I’ve finally begun my own little side publishing project, but I’m far too chicken to commit myself like that. Apparently I’m to spend Shakespeare’s 444th birthday reading Germaine Greer’s book, Shakespeare’s Wife. It arrived today. (Yes I do realize that earlier this year I wrote that I had no interest in reading this book, at least not in the sense that I go seek it out like I did for Greenblatt or Rosenbaum. This one was sent to me for review.) I can’t wait to see how Alan’s opinion of me changes after I’m done!

I dread to think:
Just remember – it’s about the wife.
(And her husband.)
Errmmm – I’d believe you meant that if I didn’t hope better!
Only one thing to say:
Forget to say – just used several of Greer’s (bbke) ideas in the presentation I gave at the British Library here (less than an hour ago) … especially on his death and her possible use of her inheritance.
You think? Actually I have no idea how she’s going to fill a book, I thought we already knew everything about Shakespeare’s wife: she was old, ugly and stupid, and Shakespeare split from her as fast as he could. After all he was forced into the marriage in the first place because she was pregnant, and he was quite likely gay anyway.
Been meaning to ask, what is that “bbke” thing? I’ve no idea.
bii – Bit of irrelevant irreverence
bb = blessed be …
ke is known only to me and my muse .. but it better be strong.
(And Greer’s tongue is as firmly in her cheek as mine.)